4-H Volunteers Resouces
Resource | Category | Topic | Type |
Hosting Virtual 4-H Meetings – Help for NH 4-H Volunteer Leaders Virtual 4-H meetings are a great way to stay connected when in-person meetings are infrequent or not possible.
New Hampshire 4-H | ||
Creating Belonging on a Virtual Meeting [tip sheet] Belonging is an essential element to the 4-H experience. But how can we create a sense of belonging with our youth when we are meeting online? This gu...
Health & Well-Being, Youth Mental Health & Wellness | New Hampshire 4-H | |
Enrolling in NH 4-H: Begins October 1st for 2024 -2025 Youth and families use ZSuites to enroll in NH 4-H programming. By enrolling online, you are connected to the world of 4-H and will receive regular up...
4-H | New Hampshire 4-H | Guide |