
Resource Category Topic Type
Kiwberries in New England: A Guide for Producers
An online guide for producers by Iago Hale and his UNH lab group, published in 2019, providing enterprise analysis, vineyard establishment, planting m...
Agriculture & Gardens, Fruit & Vegetable Crops Berry Crops Guide
Low Tunnel Strawberry Production Guide
This 25-page guide provides an introduction to low tunnel systems, and shares construction and management tips for low tunnel strawberry production, b...
Agriculture & Gardens, Fruit & Vegetable Crops Berry Crops Guide
2019-20 New England Small Fruit Management Guide
Extension specialists throughout the region collaboratively publish this guide, to provide information on pest and cultural management of small fruit ...
Agriculture & Gardens, Fruit & Vegetable Crops Berry Crops Guide
Guide to New Hampshire Timber Harvesting Laws
New Hampshire has laws and regulations designed to encourage responsible timber harvesting and minimize environmental impacts of logging. Landowners, ...
Natural Resources, Forest & Trees Natural Resources Guide
Enrolling in NH 4-H
Youth and families use 4-H Online to enroll in NH 4-H programming. By enrolling online, you are connected to the world of 4-H and will receive regular...
New Hampshire 4-H Guide