Easy ways to start 2019 off right

New Year resolutions

Many people undoubtedly rung in 2019 by setting their New Year’s resolutions. The reality is that many people will not keep their resolutions throughout the year. We have some helpful tips on how to set a New Year’s resolution this year that is attainable and that you will be more likely to stick to!

  1. Focus on one small change at a time: If you try to change too many things at once, you will likely feel overwhelmed and be tempted to throw in the towel. Choose one small thing to start with, such as cutting back on soda to one time per week or walking for 10 minutes during your lunch break.
  2. Make your goals SMART: SMART stands for: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-based. This is great way to really identify your goal and by making it more specific you will be more likely to stick with it. Check out this article we posted last year for more detailed information about SMART goals.
  3. Keep yourself accountable: Many people need an extra push to keep them on track. Ask a family member or friend if they’d be willing to check in with you! Or even better, see if they want to join in on the goal too; go for a walk with a friend or have the whole family to enjoy vegetables with dinner.  
  4. Find what works for you: Everyone has different lifestyles, goals and priorities. What works for someone else may not work for you! Set a goal with your lifestyle in mind and stay focused on what will work for you.
  5. Don’t be too hard on yourself: No one is perfect! Focus on doing your best and making the best choices that you can most of the time.

For more tips and ideas on goals for the New Year, MyPlate MyWins has a series of videos on how to make small changes to your food for a healthier 2019.


Extension Contributor / UNH Nutritional Sciences Graduate Student