From educational technology to nature economy, CED wins big at national conference’s awards ceremony

Charlie French


  • CED team members at the NACDEP conference

Extension staff took home several awards at the 2019 National Association for Community Development Extension Professionals (NACDEP) Conference held in June in Asheville, North Carolina.

NACDEP is an organization dedicated to improving the visibility, coordination, professional status and resource base of community and economic development Extension programs and professionals.

“New Hampshire had a strong presence at this year’s NACDEP conference,” said Charlie French, program leader for Extension’s Community and Economic Development (CED). “In addition to presenting eight sessions and posters, UNH Extension received two national awards and four regional top honors awards. UNH’s strong showing was fantastic, especially because we will host the 2020 annual NACDEP conference in Portsmouth next June.” 

The conference’s awards recognize outstanding work, accomplishments relative to scholarly and creative activities, teaching and/or research effectiveness and evidence or collaboration with others who help meet community development needs. UNH received the following:

  • National and NE Regional—Educational Technology Award for LoveSullivan Project  | Penny Whitman, Casey Porter, Shane Bradt, Derek Ferland (Sullivan County Manager)
  • National Best Poster Award for Craft Beer and Community | Casey Porter, Molly Donovan, Geoff Sewake
  • NE Regional and National Runner-up—Innovation and Creativity Team Award for Main Street Academy | Molly Donovan, Casey Porter, Sue Cagle, Charlie French, Kristen Whiting-Grant (ME)
  • NE Regional—Cross-Program Team Award for Downtowns and Trails | Shannon Rogers, Molly Donovan, Casey Porter, Lisa Chase (VT), Laura Brown (CT), Jayoung Koo (KY), Rebecca Sero (WA)
CED award recipients
Top row (L to R): Casey Porter, Shannon Rogers and Molly Donovan.
Bottom row (L to R): Penny Whitman, Shane Bradt and Sue Cagle.

Top photo from conference (L to R): Casey Porter, Sue Cagle, Charlie French and Molly Donovan.
