UNH Nutrition Connections staff member Sara Oberle shows how to prepare this fresh, summer vegetable.

Bowl of freshly made tomato bruschetta, being spooned onto small rounds of bread.

There is something wonderful about eating the very first ripe, juicy tomato of the season. The brilliant colors they come in range from green to red to yellow to orange and even purple. The choices seem endless - the many varieties include heirloom, roma, and cherry. Tomatoes are used in many recipes; they can be used fresh, cooked and even canned for use later in the season.

A fabulous tomato recipe

Tomato Bruschetta


1 small red onion, diced
5 tomatoes, diced
1 garlic clove, minced
1 handful basil leaves, chopped
salt and pepper to taste


  1. Wash hands, vegetables and herbs before starting the recipe.
  2. Dice red onion and tomatoes into bite-sized pieces.
  3. Peel and finely mince garlic clove.
  4. Pull basil leaves off main stem, roll up leaves and chop.
  5. Place ingredients into a medium to large size bowl and season with salt and pepper.
  6. Mix these ingredients together.
  7. Slice some bread, top with mixture. Enjoy!

Making the Recipe

Watch this short video on how to make this delicious tomato bruschetta.


Administrative Assistant for Health & Well-Being Team, Bookkeeper
Phone: (603) 255-3556 ext. 801
Office: Cooperative Extension, Taylor Hall Rm 119, Durham, NH 03824

Nutrition Connections Teacher
Extension Field Specialist, Health & Well-Being
Phone: (603) 749-2529
Office: Youth and Family, Taylor Hall, Durham, NH 03824