It's Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) Awareness Week (May 23 - 29th)! EAB was first detected in Concord in March 2013. As a non-native insect, EAB lacks predators to keep it in check. Once an ash tree is infected it is very difficult to save the tree, and most die within 3 to 5 years. Luckily, this pest cannot infest any trees other than ash. This week, we encourage you to learn about signs and symptoms of EAB, how to prevent the spread, and what you can do to help.
Don’t move firewood. Instead, burn it where you buy it. Invasive insects are transported by humans, often in firewood. Find more information at DontMoveFirewood.org. Watch this video to learn more.
Learn how to identify ash trees. Watch the video and check out the fact sheet.
Follow best management practices when moving ash logs.
Be aware of where EAB is found in New Hampshire and see the list of towns.
Read the recommendations for homeowners and landowners. Know your management zone, inventory your trees, and evaluate them for signs of EAB.
As always, if you have a suspicious tree or insect, report it at NHBugs.org!