2023 Coverts

The 2023 NH Coverts Project Workshop was held throughout the month of May, when twenty-four attendees from all over New Hampshire spent time online and in the field together learning about wildlife habitat, forest ecology, conservation, stewardship, and outreach. The new group of Coverts volunteers includes landowners, conservation commission members, and educators, among others. Here's a brief introduction to the new Coverts volunteers from the 2023 training and some of what they hope to do:

Mistie from North Sutton wants to get involved with her local conservation commission.

Karen from Hollis plans to identify the town-owned properties that need a management plan as part of her role on the conservation commission.

Jennifer from Franconia wants to work with her town conservation commission to develop a new resident welcome packet that includes wildlife and forestry information.

Tim from Francestown is going to look into developing a management plan for his property.

John from Hampton wants to join his town’s conservation commission and inventory wildlife on town-owned lands.

Tom from Barrington plans to reach out to neighboring shoreline owners to provide them with resources for managing their properties for wildlife.

Tom from Nottingham wants to organize local field days and lead nature hikes.

Steve from Glen will reach out to the Planning Board and Select Board to discuss wildlife considerations on a particular property.

Linda from Easton plans to organize public education programs focused on habitat management.

Bob from Antrim wants to develop a forest management plan for his land.

Shelby from Tilton plans to attend the Speaking for Wildlife training and give presentations.  

Jan from Lyndeborough wants to develop an artwork series focused on New Hampshire wildlife for display in local libraries, art galleries, and other public spaces.

Delia from Mont Vernon plans to help her conservation commission become more information about wildlife and habitats.

Bill from Portsmouth will share wildlife information with the groups and communities he interacts with, including leading trips for his local land trust.

Greg from Francestown wants to convert some of his lawn to a pollinator garden.

Sarah from Lebanon will continue her efforts to lead walks at local natural areas.

Kate from Hollis plans to help manage some of her family’s land with wildlife in mind.

Nadine from Ossipee wants to offer workshops at her local makerspace.

Stephen from Franconia will bring wildlife and habitat information into his role on the Planning Board and Select Board.

Lindsey from Pittsfield plans to increase the amount of public outreach and education conducted by her conservation commission.

Doug from Bradford plans to manage his property with wildlife in mind, including conducting an inventory and removing some invasives.

Deborah from Exeter wants to work to enhance wildlife habitat on the property owned by her condo association.

Julia from Randolph wants to create a habitat management plan for her family’s property.

Rick from Randolph hopes to engage his neighbors in consversations about cooperative management.

Scenes from the 2023 Coverts Project Training
