• Picture of Lindsay Watkins, the new Extension forester

UNH Extension is pleased to announce that  on September 18th Lindsay Watkins started as our new Extension Field Specialist, Forest Resources, covering Belknap and Strafford Counties.

She has a solid background in forestry, arboriculture and environmental education.

Lindsay was most recently a consulting forester and arborist in the state of Washington, but has New England roots. She worked in New Hampshire as a land steward for The Nature Conservancy and as an environmental educator and outdoor leadership trainer for the Appalachian Mountain Club.

She has a strong educational foundation with a Bachelor’s in Natural Resources from Cornell and a Master’s in the Field Naturalist Program from the University of Vermont. 

We are excited to have Lindsay join our Extension Natural Resources Program Team. Please give her a warm welcome and an invitation to get out in the woods!


Extension State Specialist, Forest Resources
Full State Specialist/Professor, Natural Resources
Phone: (603) 862-4861
Office: UNH Cooperative Extension, Taylor Hall, Durham, NH 03824