• Person using a handheld pesticide sprayer on a lawn
License Preparation for Private Applicators

These courses will help agricultural producers prepare to take the state exams to become licensed to apply pesticides in the production of agricultural products (fruits, vegetables, forage, ornamentals, etc).  

The same course is offered in three locations across the state.  Each course includes 2-half days of training and a third day on which to take the exams. 

$60 per person for the three-day course.

Goffstown, NH – Tuesday March 4, 11, 18 - UNH Extension Hillsborough County office, 329 Mast Rd.

Brentwood, NH – Wednesday March 5, 12, 19 - UNH Extension Rockingham County office, 113A North Rd.

Lancaster, NH – Wednesday March 6, 13, 20 - UNH Extension Coös County office, 629 Main St.

License Preparation for NEW Commercial Applicators 

This course will help prospective applicators, who are not yet licensed, prepare to take the state commercial applicator exams in core topics and rules & regulations.

$60 per person.

Note: This training does NOT meet the requirements for the Supervisory Registration Certification-General Use

Concord, NH - February 13, 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

License Preparation for Commercial Applicators: Supervisory Registration Certification-General Use

Each course includes one day of online sessions as well as one day of in-person sessions.  You must attend both days to receive credit.  Courses start in January 2025 and are offered again in the Fall.  Licensed applicators may also participate in these courses. Each course is approved for 8 recertification credits.  Both the Core course and Category course(s)s are required prior to taking the state exams.     

$100 per course.

Note: These courses DO meet the requirements for the Supervisory Registration Certification - General Use

Winter Course Dates

Core - January 27 (online), February 3 (Concord, NH)
Right of Way - January 28 (online), February 4 (Concord, NH)
Turf - January 29 (online), February 5 (Concord, NH) 
Ornamental - January 30 (online), February 6 (Concord, NH) 
Forestry - January 31 (online), February 7 (Concord, NH) 
Mosquito - February 11 (online), February 12 (Concord, NH) 

Fall Course Dates

Core - October 1 (online), Oct. 8 (Concord, NH)
Right of Way - October 2 (online), Oct. 9 (Concord, NH)
Turf - October 7 (online), Oct. 14 (Concord, NH) 
Mosquito - October 15 (online), Oct. 16 (Concord, NH)

Recertification Credit Available 

Recertification credits are always available online. No driving required! 1 recertification credit per course. 

$40.00 per course.

For more recertification credit opportunities, see the NH Department of Agriculture's list of approved courses.


Not sure which course is right for you?  Contact NH Division of Pesticide Control Certification Coordinator, Beth Caldwell: 603-271-3694 

Accommodations available, including language access services, upon request before an event at unh.how/request 
The University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension is an equal opportunity educator and employer. UNH, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, and New Hampshire counties cooperating. Direct inquiries to unh.civilrights@unh.edu


Landscape and Greenhouse Horticulture Field Specialist
Extension Field Specialist, Landscape Horticulture
Phone: (603) 862-1601
Office: Cooperative Extension, Taylor Hall, Durham, NH 03824