Natural Resources

The autumnal pests are annoying, but easy to manage
The autumnal pests are annoying, but easy to manage Learn More
There's a lot of buzz about pollination, the transfer of pollen between flowers that's key to plant growth and reproduction. It's why Cathy Neal, E... Learn More
Karen Bennett has received the prestigious 2016 UNH Faculty Excellence Award for Public Service – the first Extension staff member to receive the hono... Learn More
Surveying emerald ash borer (EAB)
Surveying emerald ash borer (EAB) Learn More
UNH Extension volunteer Kathy Schillemat of Nelson, NH created a special home for bees during the "Make a Bee Box" workshop at the Great Volunteer Get... Learn More
Foresters may be interested to know that a Supervisory certificate in Category C1 – Forest Pest Control allows applicators to apply general use pestic... Learn More
A walk in the woods - to look for guitars?  No, I didn’t leave my guitar in the woods by mistake on a camping trip.  Actually, I was ... Learn More
Last week, twenty-four conservation-minded individuals attended the 2017 New Hampshire Coverts Project Training Workshop held at the Barbara C. Harris... Learn More
  The 2017 NH Coverts Project Workshop was held May 3-6 in Greenfield, NH. There were twenty-FOUR attendees from all over New Hampshire who sp... Learn More
Each year since 2011, the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services has reported over 1,300 cases of Lyme disease. Since Lyme disease is t... Learn More