Yard & Garden

The new hardiness map is based on 30-year averages of the lowest annual winter temperatures
The USDA has just released its updated plant hardiness zone map for the United States. This new map is based on 30-year averages of the lowest annual ... Learn More
How Can I Succeed with Orders from the NH State Forest Nursery?
Various websites, along with the State Forest Nursery, provide high quality information about specific species of trees and shrubs and their value for... Learn More
A Question of the Week
There are a few different reasons why you might not be seeing as many birds in your yard or at your feeder. Learn why and what you can do to help bird... Learn More
To clean up or not to clean up? That is the question. So many opinions, so many options. So many things to put on the TO DO List… or not. What’s a ... Learn More
Foods stored more than a day using 4% vinegar or lower should be discarded
The National Center for Home Food Preservation asks that foods stored using 4% vingar or less, for more than 24 hours, be discarded. Learn More
If you are canning low-acid foods, be sure to follow these steps As more families prepare meals at home, there is a renewed interest in home cannin... Learn More
Here's How to Get Started
New Hampshire is a great state in which to homestead. Here are some simple ways to get started and why homesteading can benefit you! Learn More
Learn how to create your own garden space with this Victory Garden Toolkit!
Have you ever thought about starting a home or community garden? Learn More
Winter temperatures can affect spring blooms
Many people have been wondering why blooming has seemed irregular or even absent this spring for some trees and shrubs, particularly forsythia and sto... Learn More
From seed to bloom, plants provide many educational benefits
Plants for Education at UNH Extension - From seed to bloom, plants provide many educational benefits. Learn More