Skills for Community Volunteers & Leaders

Many of us have experienced being part of groups that struggle to identify goals, stay on track, maintain involvement, and move projects forward.  Fac... Learn More
Grants are an essential piece of taking a project from idea to implementation but the process can often be intimidating and overwhelming. Grants can h... Learn More
Virtual meetings provide an opportunity to gather people in different locations easily. However, it is important for meeting hosts and participants to... Learn More
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is placing severe challenges on businesses, nonprofits, and local governments throughout the Granite State. Organization... Learn More
We all have that closet we’ve been meaning to clean out, or that book we just haven’t gotten around to reading. So, the last thing we want to add to o... Learn More
John Berst is a big man with a big voice — the kind of voice any actor would envy for its ability to project to the back of the theater. To own a room... Learn More
From the hallway outside room 330 in the University of New Hampshire’s Memorial Union Building, two voices are clearly audible: one firm but frustrate... Learn More
It might seem out of character for a Yankee, but the completion of ordinary (and extra-ordinary) community projects like annual cleanup day, installat... Learn More
John Berst is a big man with a big voice—the kind of voice any actor would envy for its ability to project to the back of the theater. To own a room. ... Learn More
The Mount Washington Valley is the state’s greatest tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors to enjoy the area’s hiking, skiing, and other out... Learn More