Grants are an essential piece of taking a project from idea to implementation but the process can often be intimidating and overwhelming. Grants can help fund important community and economic development goals like feasibility and planning studies, engaging residents in decision-making, and project implementation. UNH Extension offers information and training to help individuals, organizations, and communities break down the barriers to grant writing like identifying potential funding sources, gathering data, evaluating impacts, and writing and managing grants.

Blog Posts:

  • Leveraging Grants during Challenging Times: COVID-19 necessitates that nonprofits and local governments navigate an uncertain funding environment and leverage grants to meet their operational and programmatic needs. Current and emerging funding provides organizations and communities the opportunity to not only survive the current crisis, but to launch new programs and move forward projects that can fill existing gaps and meet the needs of Granite Staters.
  • 5 Excuses Not to Apply for Grants and How to Overcome Them: Besides limited time and resources, the major reason why people do not apply for grants is out of fear – either that they are not capable of writing a competent proposal or that their grant application will be rejected. This blog post includes 5 common excuses people use to avoid writing a grant proposal and reasons why you should move past them and start working to fund projects.

Recorded Webinars:

  • Leveraging Grants during Challenging Times: This 1-hour webinar reviews some new and existing funding opportunities for organizations and communities to leverage during the ongoing health crisis and provides and overview of some tips and approaches to get your grant application of the ground and successfully funded.
