
The emerald ash borer (EAB) continues to spread. It has been found in more than 40 New Hampshire towns and was discovered this winter in Vermont. E... Learn More
By Tyler Quinn Smith, Community & Environmental Planning Major, UNH 2018
By Tyler Quinn Smith, Community & Environmental Planning Major, UNH 2018 Learn More
Like father like son. Robert Hatch 4-H alum works with his son Austin on his 4-H Working Steer Project.  Rob was a 4-H member in NH when he was y... Learn More
Landowners and natural resources professionals have spent many years worrying about the hemlock woolly adelgid. They have diligently looked for and re... Learn More
Amelanchier Canadensis   Look along New Hampshire roadsides in late April and early May for the first spring blossoms that pop open on shru... Learn More
UNH Cooperative Extension is supporting the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition in honor of National Physical Fitness and Spor... Learn More
This may be the most common question I receive about spinach production: What are the little white spheres that I’m seeing on the leaves? They rub off... Learn More
N.H. Fish & Game Names Barry Conservation Camp Its 2017 Conservation Organization of Excellence
N.H. Fish & Game Names Barry Conservation Camp Its 2017 Conservation Organization of Excellence Learn More
What’s unique about Sullivan County, New Hampshire? A community-based, county-wide initiative, facilitated by UNH Cooperative Extension, has launched ... Learn More
Climate in the Classroom connects students with university experts, climate change research
Climate in the Classroom connects students with university experts, climate change research Learn More