Natural Resources
Resource | Category | Topic | Type |
Getting the Most Out of EDDMaps [video] Video: How to use the free EDDMaps Website and Mobile App to learn more about invasive species, their distributions and participant in tracking and ma...
Natural Resources | Natural Resources | |
Lakes Lay Monitoring Supply Checklist, 2022 We are looking forward to the 2022 Lakes Lay Monitoring season. Each year, volunteers must order the materials they need to collect data. <br />
Natural Resources, Lakes Lay Monitoring Program | Natural Resources | |
Prospective Buyer Guide 2022 The decision to purchase land can be one of the most important financial and personal decisions that you make in your lifetime. Whether you are purcha...
Agriculture & Gardens, Dairy, Livestock & Forage Crops, Fruit & Vegetable Crops, Yard & Garden, Natural Resources, Forest & Trees, Wildlife | Agriculture & Gardens, Natural Resources | Guide |
KML Tools Project The KML Tools Project at UNH Cooperative Extension was created to help users of Google mapping tools perform basic GIS analyses on KML files. Our webs...
Geospatial Technologies Training Center | Natural Resources | |
Invasive Plants: Specific Methods of Control A collection of specific resources on invasive plant control methods and species specific resources.
Forest & Trees | Natural Resources | |
Design Considerations for Lumber Pile Covers in Air-Dry Yards When air-drying green lumber a specified period of time or holding green inventory long enough for loss of value to occur, it is recommended to place ...
Natural Resources, Forest & Trees | Natural Resources | |
NH Stone Wall Mapper | Level 3 - Field Verification [online workshop] This workshop will cover the basic concepts and approach of using the NH Stone Wall Mapper to map stone walls in the state of NH.
Geospatial Technologies Training Center | Natural Resources | |
NH Stone Wall Mapper | Level 2 - Curating Mapped Walls [online workshop] This workshop will cover the basic concepts and approach of using the NH Stone Wall Mapper to map stone walls in the state of NH.
Geospatial Technologies Training Center | Natural Resources | |
NH Stone Wall Mapper | Level 1 - Start Mapping Walls [online workshop] This workshop will cover the basic concepts and approach of using the NH Stone Wall Mapper to map stone walls in the state of NH.
Geospatial Technologies Training Center | Natural Resources | |
NH Lakes Lay Monitoring Program (LLMP) reports NH LLMP (Lakes Lay Monitoring Program) produces lake reports every year to share the valuable data collected by volunteers throughout the state. The l...
Lakes Lay Monitoring Program | Natural Resources |