
Resource Category Topic Type
Timber Harvesting Contract Remuneration
This information sheet is in response to questions concerning how remuneration is specified in a contract for timber harvests. This document was…
Natural Resources, Forest & Trees Natural Resources
Certified New England White Oak
UNH Cooperative Extension, UNH Brewing Laboratory, and Seguin-Moreau conducted research on important chemical characteristics in white oak (Quercus…
Forest & Trees, Natural Resources Natural Resources
Drawing Your Property
Drawing a map of your property and identifying the approximate locations of features that are important to you may help you learn more about your…
Forest & Trees, Natural Resources Natural Resources
Workforce Development
New Hampshire employs over 7,000 workers in the forest industry. This encompasses diverse positions in different sectors with varied skill sets.…
Forest & Trees, Natural Resources Natural Resources
New Hampshire Directory of Sawmills & Lumber Wholesalers
New Hampshire is one of the most densely forested states in the country. Growing forests cover 84% of the Granite State and, as a renewable resource…
Natural Resources, Forest & Trees Natural Resources
UNH Cooperative Extension County Foresters
We visit your property, free of charge and help you achieve your woodlot objectives including forestry, recreation, wildlife habitat, water resources…
Natural Resources, Forest & Trees Natural Resources
New England White Oak in Cask Production
Introduction Andy Fast, Extension Forest industry Specialist, engaged in a unique study looking at the suitability of white oak grown in New…
Natural Resources, Forest & Trees Natural Resources
Overview of Current Use Assessment RSA 79-A
Purpose of Current Use Assessment Preserve open space—a property tax strategy helping landowners keep their land undeveloped. Strategy…
Natural Resources, Forest & Trees Natural Resources
Legacy Planning Stories: How Landowners "Like Me" Are Ensuring the Future of their Land
A collection of stories about fellow landowners like you, the legacies they are creating, and how they are planning for the future of their land.…
Natural Resources, Forest & Trees Natural Resources
Status of Town and Community Forests in New Hampshire
Town-owned conservation lands are for people—places to come together and build community, learn about the stewardship of the natural world, and…
Natural Resources, Forest & Trees Natural Resources
FSMA for Maple Producers [flowchart]
September 2018 was the final deadline for maple operations who have to comply with some or all of the Preventive Controls for Human Food rule of FSMA…
Agriculture & Gardens, Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), Natural Resources, Forest & Trees Agriculture & Gardens, Natural Resources
Methods for Disposing Non-Native Invasive Plants
Prepared by the Invasives Species Outreach Group, volunteers interested in helping people control invasive plants. Assistance provided by the…
Forest & Trees, Natural Resources Natural Resources
Ecology and Management of Northern Red Oak in New England
Northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) is one of the highest-valued species in New England for both timber production and wildlife amenities. However,…
Forest & Trees, Natural Resources Natural Resources
New Hampshire Forest Market Report Archive
From 1936 through 2001, with the exception of the WWII years, UNH Cooperative Extension (once known as the Cooperative Extension Service), published…
Natural Resources, Forest & Trees Natural Resources
New Hampshire Forestry Reports
From 1885 through 1960, the precursor to today's state forestry agency, the N.H. Division of Forests and Lands, published periodic reports to…
Forest & Trees, Natural Resources Natural Resources
Tree & Stand Measurement
This guide provides instruction on how to measure individual trees and forest stands. Download the Resource for the complete guide with tables and…
Natural Resources, Forest & Trees Natural Resources
Spider Heart
Spider heart, or star shake, is a tree or log defect that consists of discolored cracks radiating from the center of a log, perpendicular to the…
Natural Resources, Forest & Trees Natural Resources
New Hampshire Best Log Scaling Practices Guide
INTRODUCTION On June 21, 1999 twenty-two New Hampshire log scalers attended a workshop in Hillsboro, NH to discuss log-scaling practices. This…
Natural Resources, Forest & Trees Natural Resources
Major New Hampshire Species and Their Uses
Types and uses of trees in New Hampshire
Natural Resources, Forest & Trees Natural Resources
New Hampshire Guide to Upland Invasive Species
This guidebook by Doug Cygan, Invasives Species Coordinator with the N.H. Dept. of Agriculture, Markets & Food, includes 26 upland plants, three…
Natural Resources, Forest & Trees Natural Resources