Fruit & Vegetable Crops

This brand-new 25-page guide provides an introduction to low tunnel systems, and shares lots of construction and management tips for low tunnel s... Learn More
Growers meeting at Brookdale Fruit Farm scheduled for June 7
Growers meeting at Brookdale Fruit Farm scheduled for June 7 Learn More
While wild grapevines are pervasive throughout New England, they often go unnoticed through much of the year even as they climb over stone walls and u... Learn More
This may be the most common question I receive about spinach production: What are the little white spheres that I’m seeing on the leaves? They rub off... Learn More
Join us on Thursday, April 26, from 4:30-6:30pm for a twilight meeting focusing on organic vegetable transplanting production. In addition to run... Learn More
Join us on April 19th to dig-in on soil health! This on-farm twilight meeting at Heron Pond Farm in South Hampton will highlight how to build and impr... Learn More
Taking Time to Understand the Market Channel and Preparing for It
Taking Time to Understand the Market Channel and Preparing for It Learn More
In the last few years, New Hampshire growers have experienced some significant leafminer infestations on spinach, swiss chard and beet. The beet leafm... Learn More
Do you grow broccoli, kale, and other cruciferous (cole) vegetable crops on your farm? Are you familiar with swede midge, a new invasive pest? If s... Learn More
The 2017 New England Vegetable & Fruit Conference and Trade Show took place between December 12-14, 2017 in Manchester, NH. It was organized over ... Learn More