New Hampshire 4-H

If you want to make mousetrap cars with your 4-H Club, but you’re still not quite sure how to get started, check out our new Build A Mousetrap Car Ins... Learn More
New Hampshire military youth are resilient and take pride in their service to our country. They deserve our appreciation and support. The month of Apr... Learn More
The Grilled Cheese Challenge is on! Several counties are planning a challenge as part of their 4-H Food Show event or County Activities Day. This is a... Learn More
With 4-H Food Shows and Cook Offs scheduled throughout the winter months, making sure 4-H youth understand the four basic steps to food safety is a to... Learn More
With the help of Cooperative Extension's Science Literacy Team, New Hampshire teachers are discovering ways to bring open-ended exploration — and with... Learn More
Looking for a way to make the healthy choice the easy choice at your 4-H club meetings?  How about the 4th H Challenge?  Let's start with the 4-1-1 on... Learn More
Building A Community of People Who Make and Share Things
Building A Community of People Who Make and Share Things Learn More
4-H members meet N.H. legislators
4-H members meet N.H. legislators Learn More
Sample life at Barry Conservation Camp by watching these fun and exciting videos from the past few seasons.
Sample life at Barry Conservation 4-H Camp by watching these fun and exciting videos from the past few seasons. Learn More
Sullivan County 4-H volunteer leaders had lots of intriguing questions about the newest 4-H opportunity - Grilled Cheese Challenge!  But once the apro... Learn More