An interactive web-based tool to assess your current wellness

Michele M. Kroll
  • youth in field relaxing

One ingredient of self-care is understanding where you are currently in terms of health and wellness. Wellness is a wholistic, strength-based approach which builds on individual assets and strengths. It is individually defined based on goals, beliefs, values, culture, personality, and life experiences (Swarbrick, 2006).

The Wellness Wheel is a strength-based model building on people's daily habits and routines while shaping new ones. The Wellness Wheel focuses on 8 important dimensions of wellness:

Wellness Wheel
  • emotional
  • physical
  • financial
  • social
  • occupational
  • environmental
  • intellectual
  • spiritual

All 8 dimensions of wellness are interdependent and each dimension builds on another to improve quality of life. Each dimension can impact individuals both positively and negatively. We all experience different seasons in life where one dimension may be more prominent than others, but if any one of these dimensions are neglected over a prolonged period of time, it can adversely affect an individual’s health, well-being and quality of life (Swarbrick, 2006). Let’s explore each wellness dimension.

The Eight Dimensions of Wellness

  1. Emotional- Coping effectively with life and creating satisfying relationships.
  2. Physical- Recognizing the need for physical activity, sleep and nutrition.
  3. Financial- Satisfaction with current and future financial situations and goals.
  4. Social- Having a sense of connection and a dependable support system.
  5. Occupational- Personal satisfaction and enrichment from one’s work.
  6. Environmental- Good health through pleasant environments that support well-being.
  7. Intellectual-Identifying creative abilities and expanding knowledge and skills.
  8. Spiritual- Expanding our sense of purpose and meaning in life.

Take the UNH Extension Wellness Wheel Assessment and get a personalized report, action plan and resources.  Although everyone's needs are unique, there are 8 dimensions of wellness that help us thrive and reach our personal health goals.

Here is a sample report:

Screenshot of sample Wellness Wheel assessment report





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Behavioral Health & Well-being
Extension Field Specialist, Health & Well-Being
Phone: (603) 863-9200
Office: Cooperative Extension, Taylor Hall, Durham, NH 03824