
Resource Category Topic Type
Favorite Plants
On WMUR's Grow it Green, Mary Tebo Davis shared her plant  varieties and asked that viewers share theirs too. She also asked around the office…
Yard & Garden
Nature Economy Fact Sheet #1: The Economic Benefits of Trails
Many communities in New Hampshire and beyond, have natural assets such as trails that can be leveraged for economic vibrancy. In this fact sheet, the…
Location: Durham Campus
Tourism, Outdoor Recreation & Nature Economy Community & Economic Development Fact Sheet
UNH NEWA-Compatible Weather Stations in New Hampshire
These pages provide current weather information with downloadable weather graphs.   Belknap County (Moulton Farm) Carroll County Farm and…
Agriculture & Gardens, Fruit & Vegetable Crops, Greenhouse, Nursery & Garden Centers, Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Landscape Installation & Maintenance, Plant Disease & Diagnosis Services Agriculture & Gardens
About the New Hampshire Master Gardener Program
The Master Gardener program started at Washington State University in 1973. The name came from the German word “Gartenmeister,” which roughly…
Yard & Garden, New Hampshire Master Gardeners
Ecology and Management of Northern Red Oak in New England
Northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) is one of the highest-valued species in New England for both timber production and wildlife amenities. However,…
Forest & Trees, Natural Resources Natural Resources
For Funding Awards: FY23 Summary Form
This form is for funding award recipients to report on their projects when they have completed them.
New Hampshire 4-H
2018 Volunteer Contributions [infographic]
Administration Resources, Advisory Councils Resources
New Hampshire Forest Market Report Archive
From 1936 through 2001, with the exception of the WWII years, UNH Cooperative Extension (once known as the Cooperative Extension Service), published…
Natural Resources, Forest & Trees Natural Resources
Pricing List for all Soil Test Options
In addition to the standard analyses, soil tests may be customized to meet your individual testing needs.  At the link below, you will find a…
Agriculture & Gardens, Soil Testing Services Agriculture & Gardens
Lawn Renovation [video]
In the below video, UNH Cooperative Extension field specialist, Margaret Hagen, describes the process of renovating a lawn.   Video…
Yard & Garden
New Hampshire Forestry Reports
From 1885 through 1960, the precursor to today's state forestry agency, the N.H. Division of Forests and Lands, published periodic reports to…
Forest & Trees, Natural Resources Natural Resources
Tree & Stand Measurement
This guide provides instruction on how to measure individual trees and forest stands. Download the Resource for the complete guide with tables and…
Natural Resources, Forest & Trees Natural Resources
Spider Heart
Spider heart, or star shake, is a tree or log defect that consists of discolored cracks radiating from the center of a log, perpendicular to the…
Natural Resources, Forest & Trees Natural Resources
New Hampshire Best Log Scaling Practices Guide
INTRODUCTION On June 21, 1999 twenty-two New Hampshire log scalers attended a workshop in Hillsboro, NH to discuss log-scaling practices. This…
Natural Resources, Forest & Trees Natural Resources
Major New Hampshire Species and Their Uses
Types and uses of trees in New Hampshire
Natural Resources, Forest & Trees Natural Resources
New Hampshire Guide to Upland Invasive Species
This guidebook by Doug Cygan, Invasives Species Coordinator with the N.H. Dept. of Agriculture, Markets & Food, includes 26 upland plants, three…
Natural Resources, Forest & Trees Natural Resources
Timber Harvesting and Silviculture
Selling timber is a once in a lifetime activity for most landowners. No single activity has such power to improve- or degrade- the forest. Proper…
Forest & Trees, Natural Resources Natural Resources
Best Management Practices for Forestry: Protecting New Hampshire's Water Quality
While this manual is full of helpful information, it isn't New Hampshire's official BMP document. For the official manual see Best…
Natural Resources, Forest & Trees Natural Resources
New Hampshire Best Management Practices for Erosion Control on Timber Harvesting Operations
Introduction New Hampshire is the second-most forested state in the country, with forests covering approximately 84% of the state. These forests…
Natural Resources, Forest & Trees Natural Resources
The Timber Sale Contract
Why A Written Contract Is Necessary Selling timber is a complicated matter that involves knowing about markets, tree values, future tree…
Natural Resources, Forest & Trees Natural Resources