Woodlot Management

Bat Workshop, June 1 Foresters and other natural resource professionals can help to conserve and enhance bat habitat on managed lands. They can lea... Learn More
New Hampshire's First Response
New Hampshire's First Response Learn More
Collaboration With Oregon State University Assists With Tax Filing
Collaboration With Oregon State University Assists With Tax Filing Learn More
from Piera Siegert, state entomologist, N.H. Dept. of Agriculture, Markets & Food
from Piera Siegert, state entomologist, N.H. Dept. of Agriculture, Markets & Food Learn More
A field note is a report from "the field," based on observation and experience. With partial financial support from the Natural Resources Conservation... Learn More
by Dr. Tom Lee, Dept. of Natural Resources and the Environment at the University of New Hampshire and researcher at NH Agricultural Experiment Sta... Learn More
UNH Cooperative Extension and Oregon State University have released a quick reference factsheet that helps tax preparers, landowners, foresters and ot... Learn More
by Ethan Belair and Dr. Mark J. Ducey, Dept. of Natural Resources and the Environment, University of New Hampshire and researchers at NH Agricultural ... Learn More
When I’m out for a walk in the woods I usually find myself wearing my field vest loaded with the typical forester gear: plenty of pencils, a couple of... Learn More
Public Comment Period Open Until Feb. 23, 2018
Public Comment Period Open Until Feb. 23, 2018 Learn More