
Resource Category Topic Type
Online Training Program for Your Food Pantry
The Create Better Health (SNAP-Ed) Online Course is a free 8-lesson course that will help you learn how to eat well and be active on a budget! The…
Food Access, Nutrition Connections, Health & Well-Being Remote Training
Protection of Minors Training for Volunteers and Staff
The Protection of Minors Training is required to be taken by all faculty, staff and volunteers who work with a UNH Youth Program. If you are unsure…
Health & Well-Being, Healthy Schools NH, Nutrition Connections, STEM Education New Hampshire 4-H
Thanksgiving Turkey Tips [tip sheet]
Hosting friends and family for Thanksgiving? Make sure you are up to date with the essential "know-hows," such as pounds needed per person…
Health & Well-Being, Nutrition Connections Fact Sheet
Adults Eating Smart [Online Class]
Our classic nutrition and cooking class is going virtual! Join us for a free healthy living series that focuses on the basics of nutrition,…
Health & Well-Being, Nutrition Connections
Saving Money at the Grocery Store [Online Class]
Make the most of your money, save ahead, plan ahead and stretch your food dollars with this interactive online class. SNAP/EBT recipients receive…
Health & Well-Being, Nutrition Connections
COVID-19 Safety Training for Outdoor Volunteers
Volunteers from any organization needing COVID-19 safety training for outdoor work may complete this 12:46-minute training module to receive a…
Administration Resources, Advisory Councils Resources, Yard & Garden, New Hampshire Master Gardeners, Health & Well-Being, Nutrition Connections, Natural Resources, Nature Groupie, STEM Education, STEM Docents, Citizen Science Projects
Ramen Noodles Nutrition Challenge [4-H Activity]
Eating healthy can be challenging. Maybe you are on a tight budget or you just want a quick meal. Ramen noodles are a great option, but how…
Health & Well-Being, Nutrition Connections New Hampshire 4-H
Nutrition Trivia [4-H Activity]
Trivia Question: Food Group IQ Test your food group IQ! Are you eating all five food groups every day?  Take a picture of all the food groups …
Health & Well-Being, Nutrition Connections New Hampshire 4-H
New Hampshire Food Access Map
Helping People Connect with the Resources They Need As the state addresses the COVID-19 public health crisis, many have come together to offer…
Health & Well-Being, Healthy Schools NH, Nutrition Connections, Nutrition and Wellness for Early Childhood, Natural Resources, Geospatial Technologies Training Center
Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Resources
Overweight and obesity have greatly increased during recent decades. Contributing factors include physical inactivity, excessive food consumption,…
Health & Well-Being, Nutrition Connections
In Season Availability Chart
Want to know what's in season?
Farmers Markets, Health & Well-Being, Granite State Market Match, Nutrition Connections
Questions for Farmers
Want to get to know your local Farmer? Here is a way to get to know your farmers by asking them a few simple questions- just print off the 10…
Farmers Markets, Health & Well-Being, Granite State Market Match, Nutrition Connections
Farmers Market Scavenger Hunt
Bring the children along for some additional fun by printing off the Farmers' Market Scavenger Hunt Farmers Market Scavenger Hunt! Find…
Health & Well-Being, Farmers Markets, Granite State Market Match, Nutrition Connections
Simple Meal Planner Shopping List
Use this shopping list to purchase items to make the recipes collected in our Simple Meal Planner.
Nutrition Connections, Health & Well-Being
Simple Meal Planner Recipes
Use these recipes as part of our Low-Cost Menu Planner. Need to buy ingredients? Be sure to check out our Simple Meal Plan Shopping List before you…
Nutrition Connections, Health & Well-Being
Low Cost Menu Planner
This is a sample meal plan for a week based on 2,000 calories each day. Recipes for a number of the dishes are included. Averaged over a week, this…
Nutrition Connections, Health & Well-Being
Get to Know Nutrition Connections
Nutrition Connections teaches families how to eat healthy and save money. We are a research-based program that works with your organization to…
Nutrition Connections, Health & Well-Being