
Resource Category Topic Type
New Hampshire Arborists Association
Find a Certified Arborist NHAA Certified Arborists are up to date on the latest in arboricultural technology and knowledgeable of acceptable…
Forest & Trees, Natural Resources Natural Resources
Selecting an Arborist
Hiring an arborist deserves careful consideration. A qualified arborist will do tree work properly and safely, but an unqualified person may further…
Natural Resources, Forest & Trees Natural Resources
Resources for Loggers
Loggers cut and remove trees from the woods. They have specialized skills and equipment and work in hazardous situations. New Hampshire has about 1,…
Natural Resources, Forest & Trees Natural Resources
Buy Local Wood from New Hampshire Sawmills
Directory of sawmills and lumber yards: where to purchase local wood Directory of portable sawmills Know what you want. Each species has…
Forest & Trees, Natural Resources Natural Resources
Wildflower Meadows - Plant Selection and Establishment
  Why Wildflower Meadows? They are beautiful and tie your landscape in to the surrounding environment. Adding even a small area of native…
Agriculture & Gardens, Landscape Installation & Maintenance, Yard & Garden
New Hampshire's Native Trees, Shrubs and Vines with Wildlife Value
Table of species, fruiting period, wildlife use and wildlife using plant for food. 
Natural Resources, Wildlife Natural Resources
Granite State Market Match - NH Food Bank [video]
A one minute video explaining the Granite State Market Match program.  Learn more at and Follow on Facebook 
Granite State Market Match, Health & Well-Being
Blanding’s Turtles in New Hampshire [brochure]
Blanding’s turtles are distinguished by their bright yellow chin and throat. Their domed shell, looking much like an army-helmet, is often speckled…
Natural Resources, Wildlife Natural Resources
New Hampshire’s Native Trees, Shrubs, and Vines with Wildlife Value [chart]
This chart includes native plant species, fruiting period, wildlife use, and the wildlife species use a particular native plant.  Plants Included…
Forest & Trees, Natural Resources, Wildlife Natural Resources
New England Tree Fruit Management Guide
The guide was created by a  collaboration of tree fruit specialists in all six New England states, and is intended for commercial farmers. It…
Fruit & Vegetable Crops, Agriculture & Gardens Agriculture & Gardens
Preventive Controls for FSMA
Preventive Controls, officially titled “Hazard Analysis and Risk-Based Preventive Controls for Human Food” This rule applies to facilities and…
Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), Agriculture & Gardens Agriculture & Gardens
What's In Your Water? 2017 New Hampshire Water Survey
A presentation by Ryan Dickson of UNH Cooperative Extension on the 2017 New Hampshire Water Survey.   For more information, contact John Smith…
Greenhouse, Nursery & Garden Centers, Agriculture & Gardens Agriculture & Gardens
Growing Fruit: Raspberry and Blackberry Varieties for New Hampshire [fact sheet]
The printable version of this resource available for download  was developed to help New Hampshire growers select among the many raspberry and…
Agriculture & Gardens, Fruit & Vegetable Crops Berry Crops Fact Sheet
Growing Fruit: Training and Pruning Young Apple and Pear Trees [fact sheet]
Proper training and pruning are essential for development of structurally strong, productive apple and pear trees. Using a minimal amount of pruning…
Fruit & Vegetable Crops, Agriculture & Gardens Agriculture & Gardens
4-H Dog Project Overview
New Hampshire 4-H Dog Project The New Hampshire 4-H Dog Project is an fun project that focuses on the raising and training of dogs. The 4-H Dog…
New Hampshire 4-H
Trail Finder Trail Activity Definitions
Definitions to help people who upload information to Trail Finder.
Trail Finder, Natural Resources Natural Resources
Youth Healthy Living Curriculum, Resources and Activities
4-H Healthy Living In this 4-H project area, participants learn about balancing physical, nutritional, social and emotional health. Youth, working…
Health & Well-Being New Hampshire 4-H
4th H Challenge [Curriculum]
Join the Challenge, Join the Fun The 4th H has been revised:  Check it Out! Looking for ways to make club meetings healthier and even more…
Health & Well-Being New Hampshire 4-H
Grafton County 2016 Highlights
One page summary of how Extension is improving life in the county. 
4-H Project Page [form]
Use this form to help plan your project goals.  Your project leader will need to sign it.    This  PDF document allows you to enter information…
New Hampshire 4-H