Administration Resources

Resource Category Topic Type
Rockingham County 2020 Highlights
A Year in Review, Rockingham County, 2020<br /> <br /> Rockingham County Contributions: $410,054<br /> <br /> State Contributions: $671,651 (In 20...
Advisory Councils Resources, Administration Resources
Strafford County 2020 Highlights
A Year in Review: Strafford County, 2020<br /> <br /> Strafford County Contributions: $162,314<br /> <br /> State Contributions: $422,396 (In 2020...
Advisory Councils Resources, Administration Resources
Sullivan County 2020 Highlights
A Year in Review: Sullivan County, 2020<br /> <br /> Sullivan County Contributions: $282,319<br /> <br /> State Contributions: $542,190 (In 2020, ...
Advisory Councils Resources, Administration Resources
Statewide 2020 Highlights
County Contributions: $2.9M<br /> <br /> State Contributions: $7.6M<br /> <br /> These contributions leveraged an additional $7.7M in federal fund...
Advisory Councils Resources, Administration Resources
FY23 4-H Foundation Pathway Funding Application
The application is now open for Fiscal Year 2023.
Health & Well-Being, STEM Education, Administration Resources, Administrative Support New Hampshire 4-H
2020 Volunteer Impacts (Infographic)
Extension's volunteer Impact on the state of New Hampshire in 2020.
Administration Resources, Advisory Councils Resources
COVID-19 Safety Training for Outdoor Volunteers
Volunteers from any organization needing COVID-19 safety training for outdoor work may complete this 12:46-minute training module to receive a Certifi...
Administration Resources, Advisory Councils Resources, Yard & Garden, New Hampshire Master Gardeners, Health & Well-Being, Nutrition Connections, Natural Resources, Nature Groupie, STEM Education, STEM Docents, Citizen Science Projects
Statewide Highlights 2019: Program Areas
<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Statewide Highlights<b...
Administration Resources, Extension Leadership, Advisory Councils Resources
Statewide Highlights 2019: Workforce, Students, Faculty
Workforce Development<br /> <br /> Extension programs provide training for employees in forest, agriculture, marine and foodservice industries so th...
Administration Resources, Extension Leadership, Advisory Councils Resources
Sullivan County 2019 Highlights
<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 2019 Year in Review: Sullivan County<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Sullivan C...
Administration Resources, Extension Leadership