
Resource Category Topic Type
Suggested Reading List of Nutrition and Physical Activity Themed Books for Grades K-3
Use this convenient list to find books related to nutrition and physical activity. Books are divided into categories which include fruits and…
Nutrition and Wellness for Early Childhood, Health & Well-Being
Websites and Hand-outs for School Wellness
Congratulations on getting your School Wellness Policy updated. The following websites will help with some of your requirements. It is a great way to…
Health & Well-Being, Healthy Schools NH, Nutrition and Wellness for Early Childhood
Free Curricula
If your school has at least 50 % of its students receiving free and reduced meals, Nutrition Connections staff can come into your classroom to teach…
Health & Well-Being, Healthy Schools NH
Healthy Celebrations , Healthy Rewards and Fundraisers
Many school wellness policies encourage healthy celebrations and fundraisers. While this may seem like a difficult task, there are many good ideas…
Health & Well-Being, Healthy Schools NH
Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Resources
Overweight and obesity have greatly increased during recent decades. Contributing factors include physical inactivity, excessive food consumption,…
Health & Well-Being, Nutrition Connections
Local School Wellness Policy Checklist
Did you know The Final Rule: Local School Wellness Policy Implementation under the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 was passed in July 2016? …
Healthy Schools NH, Health & Well-Being
Technology Resources
Here are some interactive games and videos that can be used with Smartboards and/ or tablets. General Nutrition - Interactive Games Recipes to…
Health & Well-Being, Healthy Schools NH
The Triennial Assessment Tracking Form
Did you know The Final Rule: Local School Wellness Policy Implementation under the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 was passed in July 2016? …
Healthy Schools NH, Health & Well-Being
CACFP Training Tools
CACFP has resources and publications that will help you put together great tasting, nutritious meals and snacks that children will enjoy. CACFP…
Health & Well-Being, Nutrition and Wellness for Early Childhood
Team Nutrition Materials
Team Nutrition is an initiative of the USDA Food and Nutrition Service to support the Child Nutrition Programs through training and technical…
Health & Well-Being, Nutrition and Wellness for Early Childhood
CACFP Halftime: Thirty on Thursdays Training Webinars
Join Team Nutrition for monthly training webinars on hot topics related to the CACFP Meal Pattern requirements. Webinars are presented on the third…
Health & Well-Being, Healthy Schools NH, Nutrition and Wellness for Early Childhood
Smarter Lunchroom Movement
The Smarter Lunchrooms Movement is dedicated to providing schools with the knowledge, motivation, and resources needed to build a lunchroom…
Health & Well-Being, Healthy Schools NH
Nutrition Topics
MyPlate MyPlate illustrates the five food groups that are building blocks for a healthy plate using a familiar image- a place setting for a meal.…
Health & Well-Being, Healthy Schools NH
Healthy Eating and Physical Activity
Overweight and obesity have greatly increased during recent decades. Contributing factors include physical inactivity, excessive food consumption,…
Health & Well-Being, Healthy Schools NH
Sink Those Germs - Wash Your Hands [activity]
What to do Youth try to “sink germs” by tossing beanbag “germs” into a container. The game uses 6 beanbags to correspond with the 6 times it is…
Health & Well-Being, Nutrition and Wellness for Early Childhood Activity
Fruit/Vegetable Group Picture Cards [activity]
What to do Click on Download resource in upper right hand corner for cards. Give each child one of the Fruit or Vegetable Group picture cards…
Health & Well-Being, Nutrition and Wellness for Early Childhood Activity
From a Grain of Wheat [activity]
What to say Begin this lesson with a discussion of favorite breads. Which group on the MyPlate has bread in it? What other food is in that group?…
Health & Well-Being, Nutrition and Wellness for Early Childhood
The Apple Says [activity]
What to do Play this game like “Simon Says.” With small children, have them all participate. Explain to only do the exercise if “The Apple Says”…
Health & Well-Being, Nutrition and Wellness for Early Childhood
Hot Potato [activity]
What to say There are many good vegetables to eat. We need to eat vegetables every day. What are some of your favorites? What do you like about…
Health & Well-Being, Nutrition and Wellness for Early Childhood
Follow the Red Pepper [activity]
What to do This is an adapted version of “Follow the Leader.” Ask a volunteer to be the “Red Pepper” leader. Give the “Red Pepper” the…
Health & Well-Being, Nutrition and Wellness for Early Childhood