
Resource Category Topic Type
NH Opioid Prevention Project [infographic]
The goal of this project is to build upon existing opioid prevention infrastructure in NH in partnership with the State Opioid Response Team to…
Health & Well-Being, New Hampshire Opioid Prevention Project Health
Water for Calves
It is well accepted that calves need milk or milk replacer in their diet to grow them to weaning age. There are a lot of misconceptions about…
Dairy, Livestock & Forage Crops, Agriculture & Gardens Agriculture & Gardens
Chemical Control of Terrestrial Invasive Plants
Techniques and options for chemically controlling terrestrial invasive plants. Control or management of invasive plants should include consideration…
Natural Resources, Forest & Trees Natural Resources
Getting Outside
Enjoying nature outside in your backyard or in your neighborhood is a great way to relieve stress, stay fit and ease this challenging time. Nine Ways…
Nature Groupie
Pesticide Licensing in New Hampshire
New Hampshie Regulations New Hampshire law requires that anyone applying pesticides on property that they do not own, as part of their business or…
Nature Groupie, Natural Resources, Nature Groupie, Citizen Science Projects Natural Resources
Mechanical Control of Terrestrial Invasive Plants
Mechanical control strategies for managing terrestial invasive plants. Mechanical control strategies for managing terrestial invasive plants.…
Nature Groupie, Natural Resources, Nature Groupie, Citizen Science Projects Natural Resources
Learn About Natural Resources Stewards
LEARN, EXPLORE & SHARE THE NATURE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE The Natural Resources Steward program offers a comprehensive training and volunteer support…
Natural Resources, Natural Resources Stewards Natural Resources
Lakes Lay Monitoring Program Lakes
Lakes Lay Monitoring Program
Ways to Increase Milk Production
Dairy farmers probably get sick of hearing the age- old advice of “you’ve got to increase production to be more profitable”. However, there isn’t a…
Dairy, Livestock & Forage Crops, Agriculture & Gardens Agriculture & Gardens
Plant a Row with Strafford County 4-H & Rockingham County 4-H
One of the challenges Granite Staters are facing is food insecurity. Whether you are looking to supplement your own household, or would like to…
Health & Well-Being, Well Connected Communities New Hampshire 4-H
Determining Monetary Values of Feedstuffs [fact sheet]
Concentrates are always a high proportion of the cost of a feed ration due to their contribution as primary energy and protein sources in dairy feeds…
Agriculture & Gardens, Dairy, Livestock & Forage Crops Agriculture & Gardens Fact Sheet
Community Gardens
Community gardens are wonderful places to grow fresh healthy food, create beautiful productive spaces that nurture the soul, and bring people…
Yard & Garden, Community Gardening
Test Your Soil
Taking a soil sample is easy. Here's a one minute video to show you how. 
Agriculture & Gardens
Research Report: Figs for Cold Climates 2021
Fig is grown commercially in mild climates throughout the world. Fig offers the potential to be a high-value crop in New England, but to be…
Agriculture & Gardens, Fruit & Vegetable Crops Research Report
Making Sense of Trusts as an Estate Planning Tool [Webinar Recording]
2021 Future of the Farm Webinar Series Recorded on April 13, 2021. View the recording. Trusts seem like a logical way to pass on farm assets to…
Agriculture & Gardens, Agricultural Business Management, Agricultural Law & Taxation, Farm Estate & Succession Planning Agriculture & Gardens Video
Best Practices for Submitting Your Soil Sample
Cooperative Extension’s soil testing service dates back to 2005. The number of samples we process averages more than 3,000 a year. The following list…
Agriculture & Gardens, Soil Testing Services, Yard & Garden Agriculture & Gardens
Communities and Small Business Working on Resilience
The pandemic has disrupted the economy, employment, and community vibrancy. Small towns and main streets have been especially hard hit by the impact…
Economic Development Community & Economic Development Fact Sheet
NH 4-H Livestock Auction - Buyer Information
Become a buyer and bid on Beef, Meat Goats, Lamb, & Swine farm raised by NH 4-H Members will be auctioned.
New Hampshire 4-H
NH 4-H Livestock Auction - Seller Information
4-H youth members who raise Beef, Meat Goats, Lamb, & Swine are invited to join us at the auction as a seller.
New Hampshire 4-H
NH 4-H Livestock Auction - Sponsor Information
Become a sponsor at the NH 4-H Livestock Show & Auction!
New Hampshire 4-H