
Resource Category Topic Type
Pillbugs: An interactive investigation into animal behaviors [STEM Activity]
One of the many subjects that ecologists investigate is how living things interact with their environment.  One way we can study ecology is by…
STEM Education, STEM Docents, STEM Discovery Lab at Manchester, Teaching Through Inquiry & Science Practices
Economic Recovery and Resilience
UNH Extension is working with NH cities and towns to move toward economic recovery. While things are uncertain, it is important to look to the future…
Economic Development Community & Economic Development Video
Selling Homemade Food Products in NH - The Basics - Part Three [Fact Sheet]
When is a commercial kitchen food license required? This fact sheet explains the e food safety and legal requirements that will help to create a…
Agriculture & Gardens, Food Safety Agriculture & Gardens Fact Sheet
Selling Homemade Food Products in New Hampshire - The Basics - Part One [Fact Sheet]
Starting a homemade food business is a dream of many home cooks. Beginning small, in your own kitchen, with shelf-stable baked goods and other…
Homesteading Agriculture & Gardens Fact Sheet
Barry Camp - Camp Out at Home 2020
This event was a big success and a lot of fun.  Over 40 families participated.  Check out the BCC Facebook page to see some photos.  Also, check out…
New Hampshire 4-H
Your Woodlot, Your Legacy: Managing for Timber
Producing valuable and quality timber in your woodlot starts with identifying and growing quality trees. Developing quality trees requires a long-…
Natural Resources, Forest & Trees Natural Resources
Your Woodlot, Your Legacy: Managing for Forest Carbon
Forests have remarkable ability to sequester and store carbon while at the same time provide those traditional benefits and opportunities we all…
Natural Resources, Forest & Trees Natural Resources
Your Woodlot, Your Legacy: Managing for Songbird Habitat
For every bird you see in the woods, there is something your woodlot is providing to meet its needs. Too much of one thing, or not enough of another…
Natural Resources, Forest & Trees, Wildlife Natural Resources
Your Woodlot, Your Legacy: What will your woodlot look like in the future?
As a forest landowner, the decisions you make about your land will have a lasting impact for years to come. A good place to start is to think about…
Natural Resources, Forest & Trees Natural Resources
Resources for Inventorying & Monitoring Wildlife on Your Property
Below is a list of resources that you might find useful as you begin to inventory and monitor wildlife on your property. Learning About Your…
Adults Eating Smart [Online Class]
Our classic nutrition and cooking class is going virtual! Join us for a free healthy living series that focuses on the basics of nutrition,…
Health & Well-Being, Nutrition Connections
Saving Money at the Grocery Store [Online Class]
Make the most of your money, save ahead, plan ahead and stretch your food dollars with this interactive online class. SNAP/EBT recipients receive…
Health & Well-Being, Nutrition Connections
Food Safety Recertification for Rabbit and Poultry Producers
This recertification program fulfills the education requirement specified in the rules and will help producers continue their working plan for…
Dairy, Livestock & Forage Crops, Agriculture & Gardens, Food Safety Agriculture & Gardens
Plant Health Webinar Series 2020
These webinars were recorded in the summer of 2020 and are available for viewing here.  You can not receive pesticide recertification credit for …
Greenhouse, Nursery & Garden Centers, Agriculture & Gardens, Landscape Installation & Maintenance, Pesticide Safety Education Agriculture & Gardens
UNH Extension Volunteer Policies
UNH Extension Volunteer Policies Table of Contents Introduction Values and Beliefs Volunteer Recruitment Volunteer Activities on…
Calculators for Mixing Water-Soluble Fertilizer
To get all of these calculators in a mobile format, click here. Sometimes mixing water-soluble fertilizer can be tricky.​ The fertilizer label…
Agriculture & Gardens, Greenhouse, Nursery & Garden Centers Agriculture & Gardens
Calculators for Monitoring and Adjusting Water Soluble Fertilizer
To get all of these calculators in a mobile format, click here. Sometimes calculating injector ratios, electrical conductivity (EC), and ppm N…
Agriculture & Gardens, Greenhouse, Nursery & Garden Centers Agriculture & Gardens
Tracking Flowering Plants and Pollinators [STEM Activity]
Throughout the growing season, flowering plants are found in yards, neighborhoods and gardens. Some of these plants are wild and even may be…
Improving the Shelf-life of Wet Brewers Grains on New Hampshire Dairy Farms
This research was published and written by Eric Hatungimana, Ph.D., and  Pete Erickson, Ph.D., Extension Dairy Specialist, University of New…
Dairy, Livestock & Forage Crops, Agriculture & Gardens Agriculture & Gardens
Feeding Nicotinic Acid (Niacin) to Dairy Cows
How Feeding Nicotinic Acid (niacin) Can Improve Colostrum Quality and Calf Performance Written and published by Pete Erickson, Ph.D., Extension…
Dairy, Livestock & Forage Crops, Agriculture & Gardens Agriculture & Gardens