
Resource Category Topic Type
Participate in the 2021 NH BioBlitz
What is the NH BioBlitz? A BioBlitz is a species scavenger hunt where volunteers help find and record data on as many different wild living things…
Natural Resources, NH BioBlitz, Citizen Science Projects Natural Resources
Perennial Pepperweed Partnership
Pepperweed is a relatively new invasive plant to New Hampshire and Maine, though it is well established just to our south in Massachusetts. It is a…
Natural Resources, Nature Groupie, Coastal Research Volunteers, Citizen Science Projects Natural Resources
Mobile Mapping Made Easy [workshop]
Learn to use your mobile device (smartphone, tablet) to collect data in the field and make a map on your computer! Whether you want to use your…
Geospatial Technologies Training Center Natural Resources Online Workshop, Partner Website, Presentation, Remote Training
GIS/GPS Boot Camp [workshop]
Participants learn to map natural resources and community assets while exploring methods for sharing maps with others. Each participant will have a…
Geospatial Technologies Training Center Professional Development & Training, Natural Resources In-person Training
Introduction to ArcGIS Pro [online workshop]
Get started using ArcGIS Pro! This 1-day workshop is designed for current ArcMap users or new ArcGIS Pro users who want to explore the basics of…
Geospatial Technologies Training Center Professional Development & Training, Natural Resources Online Workshop, Remote Training
Introduction to ArcMap [online workshop]
Learn the basics of working with ArcMap in a hands-on learning environment! This course is useful for people who have no prior GIS experience, as…
Geospatial Technologies Training Center Professional Development & Training, Natural Resources Online Workshop, Remote Training
Start Making Maps with LiDAR [online workshop]
This workshop will cover the basic concepts of using LiDAR for forestry work in New Hampshire, including what data layers are available and how to…
Geospatial Technologies Training Center Natural Resources Online Workshop, Remote Training
Getting to Know ArcGIS Online [online workshop]
This workshop will provide hands-on practice using ArcGIS Online to create custom online maps and share them with others. All exercises will be…
Geospatial Technologies Training Center Natural Resources Online Workshop, Remote Training
GIS 101: Learning to Map in the Digital Age [online workshop]
Learn the basics of Geographic Informations System (GIS) and start making your own maps! This course will help you use GIS software to make maps in…
Geospatial Technologies Training Center Natural Resources Online Workshop, Remote Training
Community Assessments - Extension's Assessement Programs
Why Conduct a Community Assessment? A community assessment gathers data from community members to assess the current situation in a city or town. As…
Location: Durham Campus
Economic Development Community & Economic Development Fact Sheet
Opioid Prevention Resources
This list includes contact information for both national and New Hampshire opioid misuse prevention resources.  NH Based: The Partnership …
Health & Well-Being, New Hampshire Opioid Prevention Project Health
Learn more about the Chronic Pain Self-Management Program
The Chronic Pain Self-Management Program (CPSMP) engages adults with chronic pain and their caregivers to build practical skills to manage and…
Health & Well-Being, New Hampshire Opioid Prevention Project Health
How to Submit Plant Samples to the UNH Plant Diagnostic Lab
How to package different types of samples (leaves, branches, whole plants), what to include in the package (plant sample, completed form, payment),…
Plant Disease & Diagnosis Services Video
Field Manual for Managing Eastern White Pine Health in New England
This manual provides basic information for identifying and evaluating important health problems of eastern white pine in New England. In addition to…
Natural Resources, Forest & Trees Natural Resources
Interpreting Feed Analysis
Why should I analyze my feed? We need to analyze feeds to know what we are feeding. Feed analysis allows you to know what your feed is deficient…
Dairy, Livestock & Forage Crops, Agriculture & Gardens Agriculture & Gardens
Correct Milking Procedures
Consistency in management and proper milking procedures are essential for profitable dairy production. Following correct procedures can lead to…
Dairy, Livestock & Forage Crops, Agriculture & Gardens Agriculture & Gardens
White Pine Silviculture for Timber and Wildlife Habitat in New England
This update of the 1978 guide (Lancaster and Leak 1978) includes new information on practical silvicultural alternatives such as low-density…
Natural Resources, Forest & Trees Natural Resources
NH Opioid Prevention Project [infographic]
The goal of this project is to build upon existing opioid prevention infrastructure in NH in partnership with the State Opioid Response Team to…
Health & Well-Being, New Hampshire Opioid Prevention Project Health
Water for Calves
It is well accepted that calves need milk or milk replacer in their diet to grow them to weaning age. There are a lot of misconceptions about…
Dairy, Livestock & Forage Crops, Agriculture & Gardens Agriculture & Gardens
Chemical Control of Terrestrial Invasive Plants
Techniques and options for chemically controlling terrestrial invasive plants. Control or management of invasive plants should include consideration…
Natural Resources, Forest & Trees Natural Resources