
Resource Category Topic Type
Measuring Racial Equity in New Hampshire’s Food System [webinar]
This assessment breaks down data from the nationally reported Agriculture Statistics to encourage further investigation and spark conversations that…
Agriculture & Gardens, Farmer Support Networks, NH Farm Network Agriculture & Gardens Research Report
Using EDDMapS to Map Invasive Plants
Are you planning a stewardship or invasive plant control project in New Hampshire? Use EDDMapS on your computer, smartphone or tablet to map invasive…
Forest & Trees Natural Resources Fact Sheet
An Update on Water Feeding to Preweaned Calves
Water remains vital to the rumen development in the preweaned calf. The work of Kertz and colleagues at the Purina Research Farm in the early 1980s…
Agriculture & Gardens, Dairy, Livestock & Forage Crops Fact Sheet
UNH Extension - Online Tick Training
Participants who complete the training will understand how to identify ticks and protect themselves from being fed upon. Learners are introduced to…
Agriculture & Gardens, Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Agriculture & Gardens Remote Training
Getting the Most Out of EDDMaps [video]
Video: How to use the free EDDMaps Website and Mobile App to learn more about invasive species, their distributions and participant in tracking and…
Natural Resources Natural Resources
Cover Cropping for the Home Garden [fact sheet]
This fact sheet provides an overview of the most common reasons to use cover crops at home and lays out the most successful options for gardeners in…
Agriculture & Gardens, Yard & Garden Agriculture & Gardens Fact Sheet
Bioblitz webform test
testing page DO NOT PUBLISH
New Hampshire 4-H Hippology and NH 4-H Horse Judging Contest Entry Information Packet
This packet summarizes the entry information for the Statewide 4-H Hippology and Horse Judging contest.
New Hampshire 4-H Fact Sheet
4H Multi-County Horse Show Packet
Download this packet for more information on the Multi-County 4-H Horse Show and Field Day!
New Hampshire 4-H Guide
National 4-H Dairy Conference
National 4-H Dairy Conference is a three-and-a-half-day conference held annually in Madison, Wisconsin, in conjunction with the World Dairy Expo.
Strengthening Connections: Downtowns & Trails - Ossipee, NH 2022
Over the past two years, interrupted but not deterred by the ongoing pandemic, we worked adaptively and creatively with the Ossipee Economic…
Tourism, Outdoor Recreation & Nature Economy Community & Economic Development Research Report
Selling Homemade Food Products in New Hampshire- Five Part Fact Sheet Series
Selling Homemade Food Products in New Hampshire- Five Part Fact Sheet Series
Food Safety Agriculture & Gardens Fact Sheet
How to Find Invasive Species for the 4-H Wildside Invasive Species Challenge
To complete the 4-H Wildside Invasive Species Challenge, you will need to locate and document at least six invasive species. Some of you may know…
Strengthening Connections: Downtowns & Trails - Keene, NH 2022
Over six months, from Sept. 2021-March 2022, we worked with the City of Keene on how to better connect two rail trails with their downtown businesses…
Tourism, Outdoor Recreation & Nature Economy Community & Economic Development Research Report
True Leaders In Equity Institute
The True Leaders in Equity Institute (TLEI) will prepare up to 20 teams to be change agents within the Cooperative Extension System as we work to…
Youth Mental Health & Wellness New Hampshire 4-H
Grafting Fruit Trees
Pruning guidelines for all trees and shrubs, in the home setting and in commercial applications.
Agriculture & Gardens, Fruit & Vegetable Crops, Yard & Garden, Forest & Trees tree fruit crops & orchards
2021 Volunteer Impacts (Infographic)
Extension's volunteer Impact on the state of New Hampshire in 2020.
Administration Resources, Advisory Councils Resources
Lakes Lay Monitoring Supply Checklist, 2022
We are looking forward to the 2022 Lakes Lay Monitoring season. Each year, volunteers must order the materials they need to collect data.  …
Natural Resources, Lakes Lay Monitoring Program Natural Resources
Avian Influenza Reminder! - Detection, Prevention and Reporting [fact sheet]
Quick overview of prevention, detection and reporting of avian influenza
Dairy, Livestock & Forage Crops Fact Sheet
Spotlight on NH Invasive Plants
Identification tips and basic control methods for some of NH's invasive plants: Glossy Buckthorn, European Barberry, Japanese Honeysuckle,…
Yard & Garden, Forest & Trees